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Web Design (B18)

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  1. 🔴 Web Design (Live Class) 10:00am
  2. Welcome
    1 Topic
  3. Recordings
    12 Topics
  4. Introduction to Websites and Web Design
    9 Topics
  5. Introduction to HTML and DOM structure
    6 Topics
  6. Introduction to Style attributes
    2 Topics
  7. Introduction to CSS
    10 Topics
  8. Introduction to BootStrap
    5 Topics
  9. Working with Bootstrap
    1 Topic
  10. Introduction to Javascript
    7 Topics
  11. Working with Javascript
    5 Topics
  12. Web Design - CA Test
    1 Quiz
  13. Web Design (Final Examination)
Module 14, Topic 1
In Progress

1.19 Working with the background


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